If you are looking for a comprehensive resource on how to troubleshoot, fix/repair very common technical problems seen in many modern LCD flat screen TVs (this includes LCD, LED, OLED, QLED, Smart, 3D, etc.) then you should probably stop reading this article and simply CLICK HERE to head on over to another very helpful and informative of Kent Liew’s electronics repair “how-to” offerings.

The great thing about this new resource is that it focuses on a very common problem with modern flat screen TVs that use LCD panel screens (basically a vast majority of big/flat screen in homes today).
We’ve had plenty of posts on this site discussing LCD TVs with failing screens and which stops producing images or pictures. It is aptly dubbed as the BSOD or the Black Screen of Death and usually strikes fear in many TV owners. We’ve also posted on other screen issues like image distortions, having horizontal/vertical lines, etc. The good news is that these problems are relatively easier to troubleshoot and repair and a huge fraction of the cases are caused by faulty T-Con boards which is one of the controllers that make the LCD panel work as they should. (Note: T-Con stands for Timing Control or Timing Controller).

So Kent Liew came out with a comprehensive technical guide on how to fix LCD TVs in the context of malfunctioning LCD screens and the controller boards (specifically the T-Con). He posits the common occurrence of these TV components going bad and the great opportunity for many DIY, or even professional repairers to learn how to fix them properly as good enough reasons to avail of this training resource.
Also, while he admits that most suggested fix for faulty T-Con boards is to simply replace the entire board due to their relatively inexpensiveness, he does point out that not all T-Con boards are inexpensive and that it may not be the case for high-end TV models. It is also a good idea to properly identify what exactly is the problem with any T-Con boards by properly diagnosing them as that will add credibility to your technical know-how insofar as customers are concerned (especially for professional TV specialists, repairers, etc.).
A Quick Overview of the Training Resource
This resource is made up of e-books (in PDF format). The main body of the training is composed of the following 5 Parts:
Part 1: Basic Theory of How an LCD/LED Screen Work
Part 2: How an LCD/LED Screen Panel Works
The first 2 parts above basically deal with the theory and basics of how LCD TVs work. This is great for beginners and a good refresher for experts and professionals. Part 2 contains an extensive discussion on the T-Con board.
Part 3: Troubleshooting & Repairing LCD/LED T-CON & Panel
This chapter discusses how to identify the common problems in the T-Con boards and LCD panels and repair them successfully.
Part 4: LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Case Histories
As the title implies, this part contains case studies of specific repairs that the author did which is a good resource for learners to hone in on specific issues that may be similar to what they are seeing on a TV that they may be working on or looking to work on.
Part 5: All Good LCD/LED TV T-CON & Screen Panel Repairing Information
Contains some advance topics that even experts and professionals should be able to appreciate.
Includes Bonuses
The package also includes a ton of bonuses that should come in handy. They include information as seen in the picture below. Also includes schematics of specific models.
In Conclusion
It’s hard to cover everything that Kent Liew’s training package covers in this post. My suggestion is to head on over to his site to learn more about all the details and start learning how to PROFESSIONALLY repair LCD TV screens and T-Con board.
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