Okay here’s a really good video to help folks fix the power supply on a 42-inch Vizio LCD flat screen television (Model SV420XVT1a). Basically the problem becomes evident when you turn on the unit. You will see the Vizio insignia LED power indicator go up but see no images and screen will just be a complete blackout. The video gives a nice Macgyver tip on how to determine whether it’s just the backlight and/or the LCD screen that are/is out using a small flashlight.
Video teaches how you can repair the TV’s power supply module (part #0500-0405-0270) by replacing the bad components. You can of course opt to just replace the entire power supply but why do that when you can replace just a few parts, save some money and get the TV working again.
This video (which can be played in good quality HD) is intermediate level so be sure you know you can handle the safety aspects of the fix before going into it. Some soldering deftness is also needed because the components that you’ll need to work on are pretty small. You’ll need a multimeter for this repair.
Video will show you how to replace 5 problem parts: 1 pc. Field Effect Transistor (FET), 1 pc. FET driver IC and 3 resistors. Other tools you need includes a dental pick (to help you pry those tiny blown out resistors loose), some acetone and a small brush that you can use to clean the circuit boards (see video on how it’s used).
Related: How to find burnt resistor values by Jestine Yong
Video follows:
Thanks to norcal715 of Youtube for this repair video.
No power at all to my 42 inch flat screen TV
I have a vizio SV420XVT1A and when plugged in the vizio indicator is orange but wont turn white. Is there a fix for this?
Power is on, no picture nor sound?
No sound!
Great tutorial, thanks for sharing
Power Light comes on and imediataley goes out -other than that nothing
Terrific video! The approach, the logic, the pace, the information and execution of the repair was comrehensively displayed. Thank you for teaching me not only how to repair my tv, but for all the additional electronics knowledge thrown in to teach impatient wanna be’s, like me that had the brains for electronics but could never sit through all the classes.
Getting a good pic but it flashes very quickly and steady
I got a 39 inch Visio for Christmas. Question? Where is SLEEP mode?
I have the same problem as Antario, my tv powers on then shuts off right away. What can I do?
I have a 47inch vizio installed a new power board it powers on and shuts back off no clicking sound when powered on
Great video ! I have a E470VL, plug it in and the vizio light blinks orange once, nothing else happens ! Unplug the set and after about 20 seconds the vizio light blinks orange, once ! Any suggestions ?
Very helpful Video !!!