Samsung, being one of the higher end flat screen TV brands out there, naturally will not come cheap. The prices of their top-of-the-line models are also among the top of the price ranges so having a Samsung TV damaged due to some unfortunate turns of events is never a pleasant experience. Perhaps one of the worst case scenarios experienced by a percentage of owners is the cracked screen problem, which is usually caused by unforeseen accidents (blunt force trauma, TV wall mount failures, etc.) or the occasional user error. The question is, what do you do in such cases? Can a Samsung TV’s cracked screen be repaired?

The simple answer is not so simple. While it is always possible to “fix” cracked TV screen panels, the more important question is will you want to? The fact is that the only way to fix a cracked LCD screen panel is to replace the entire panel itself. We discussed this approach in a previous post about TV screen replacement (to fix an issue not related to cracked screens) and another post about considerations involved in cracked TV screen repair.
Below is a quote from one of the said post where we acknowledged that indeed the only way to fix cracked screens is to replace it:
…this is the best and only repair option for your device. This however is not a cheap option as the cost of TV panel replacements may go up to 80% of the cost of the TV in brand new condition. That is assuming you can find the exact part that you need for the replacement (which may be hard for some models). Add to the cost the fees you need to pay if you will have the repair done by professionals (highly recommended for this kind of electronic surgery). It is not recommended that you do this the DIY route if you’re not an electronics expert due to the costs and dangers involved
The next best option…
Hence, unless you can get a replacement screen at a very cheap price, it may not be economically practical to consider the screen replacement route. The next best option, naturally, is to just go ahead and acquire a new TV. This may not be something a Samsung TV owner will want to hear when he/she comes to face with this dilemma but it is no doubt a practical solution to the problem.
If budget is an issue, you could go for pre-owned units or opt for other brands that aren’t as pricey as Samsung models.
Also read: Looking for a Cheap Flat Screen TV Under 100 USD? You’re in luck!
At any rate, this problem underscores the very important lesson in making sure that expensive, top-of-the-line Samsung Smart TV is installed securely, be it on a TV wall mount or a stand. This is also one of the reasons we prefer using pop-up TV lift cabinets as we think they are the best in securing a TV from screen-shattering incidents since they enable you to hide away your big screen TVs inside cabinets when not in use. They eliminate the possibility of your TV toppling over they way they could when installed on TV stands. Ever seen a house cat that suddenly decides it’s time to go berserker mode around the house and knock over stuff on Youtube? They naturally also eliminate the possibility of your TV falling off of a wall mount/bracket, which surely is a recipe for cracking or breaking your screen panel.
In summary
While replacing the screen panel is a viable fix when faced with a Samsung TV cracked screen problem, it all boils down to the prohibitive costs involved in such an undertaking. Unless you are able to get replacement LCD panels at a huge discount, the most practical solution is to simply acquire a replacement of the TV altogether. Going this route at least provides you the option of buying TVs that are less pricey than the high-end Samsung models.
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