The black screen of death (BSOD) is a relatively common issue with flat screen TVs with LCD panel screens. In a lot of cases, they are easily diagnosed and fixed quite affordably. Replacement parts are usually easily sourced unless there is suddenly an unusually high demand for them, in which case prices may increase.

Unfortunately, even the higher end spectrum of the TV brands like Sony get struck down by this annoying electronic malady. And many owners, at some point, do find themselves standing in front of a Sony TV screen that has suddenly gone dark/black, with no more pictures/images appearing.
Troubleshooting the Black Screen of Death on a Sony TV
If your Sony flat screen TV stops producing images on the screen and goes black, first step is to determine if it also stopped producing sounds. You can do this by shuffling to input channels which you are certain should produce sound (i.e., streaming a video content, or running a DVD player, etc.).
If you hear sound is still being produced, then the next step is to ascertain if the LED backlights are functioning. One way to do this is by turning off the lights in the room where the TV is installed and checking if you could see the LED lights through back panel of the TV. In some models, you could see these as points of lights bleeding through holes on the back panel of the TV. In other models, you might have to remove the back cover of the TV first to take a peek of the lights.
If the LED backlights are working, you there is likelihood that you have a T-Con board issue on your hands. Replacing the T-Con board, a relatively inexpensive replacement, will usually fix this problem if the unit is producing sound. If the unit is not producing sound through the speakers AND pictures on the screen, there could be a problem with the T-Con board and/or the main board.
Read: How to Fix the Vizio TV Black Screen of Death
If the LED backlights are not working, or if you are unable to confirm if they are working, the next step is to do the flashlight test on the screen. By turning on the TV and shining a flashlight on the screen, you can check if the LCD panel is creating images or not. If the LCD panel is producing images but the LED backlights are not working, you should be able to make out images on the LCD panel when you shine a flashlight beam on the screen. An LCD/LED TV requires an LCD panel to produce the images and suitable (LED) backlighting to work as intended.
Once confirmed that the LED backlights are faulty, a possible fix is to replace the LED inverter or driver. Sometimes the power supply board may need to be replaced or repaired as well because some models have the inverters or drivers included into the power supply board.
For more information on the actual work needed to repair the black screen of death on a Sony TV, please do watch the video by the Fix Netflix Youtube channel which was one of my main resource for this post..
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