Here’s the start of series of posts dealing with some of the basic concepts of TV repair involving some of the most basic tools and equipment that some trying to learn how to repair electronics like plasma and LCD TVs should know about.
If you are trying to learn electronics repair, you need to get acquainted with these basic tools and you may need to go buy them for your self. If not now, you certainly will need to get your own tools at some point in time.
I am not telling you go out there and start shopping around for professional tools and equipment but if you are serious about becoming a plasma and LCD TV repair technician, you will most definitely need the most basic of tools right at your disposal.
The Multimeter
As the name implies, this device is a measuring device that measures more than one variable or parameter. This is a very essential tool in a TV repair man’s tool box because it is one of the most basic tools to use in electronic fault-finding. Wikipedia describes the multimeter as an “electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit.”
As a matter of fact, aside from taking circuit continuity tests most modern multimeters has the capability measuring current (amperes), checking resistance (ohms) and testing voltage levels (volts). There are even other models that could test capacitors, diodes and transistors.
There are two types of multimeters: analog and digital.
If you are getting one, I would recommend getting the digital multimeter as it is generally more accurate compared to its analog counterpart. Some digital multimeters are so packed with features (most of which you are not likely to need).
Below are other parameters that modern multimeters can read (source: Wikipedia: Multimeter):
Parameters measured by a typical multimeter:
- Voltage in volts.
- Current in amperes.
- Resistance in ohms.
Other multimeters may also measure:
- Capacitance in farads.
- Conductance in siemens.
- Decibels.
- Duty cycle as a percentage.
- Frequency in hertz
- Inductance in henrys
- Temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Digital multimeters may also include provisions for:
- Continuity that beeps when a circuit conducts.
- Diodes and Transistors
If you wish to learn more about what a multimeter is and how to work them, check out this very concise how-to guide from
Also read: Basic Soldering for Electronics (9-Part Video)
Other tools featured:
- LED Backlight Tester
What do you use to remove the internal plastic clips on a Samsung LCD TV? I need to replace the control panel board (power, channel, volume, etc), but I do not know how to get the clips off without damaging them. Any suggestions?
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i don’t know which parts is a power relay,i only know old power relay for old tv only! help me to identify a plasma or LED power relay in a circuit.
Try this site…
However, you did not mention what TV or equipment you are trying to troubleshoot… As you, I was raised with the old TV technology from the 60’s and 70’s. My dad was a TV/Radio repairman and I as a kid used to help him and learned from him. Don’t give up!!!