If you are reading this then you probably just had an incident with your TV display that caused cracks on the screen. Just to make sure we are on the same page, below is an example of a cracked LCD screen. If you are seeing a similar image on your TV then I believe we are indeed speaking of the same issue.

A cracked screen is usually caused by blunt force accidents— e.g., most are caused by accidental hitting of the screen by a hard object, or by dropping or crashing the TV from moderate height (or even less!) In any event, a cracked screen is a serious problem for any TV owner and the question on what next steps to take is always a big decision.
In the sections below, we are going to try to simplify the decision-making process because, as with any decisions that cost money, this may all boil down to economics.
Cracked TV Screen Repair?
The simple answer is NO. If your flat screen TV is cracked (see again the above sample pic of a cracked screen), there is no way to repair or un-crack that screen. The only way to repair your TV is by replacing the (LCD) display panel. That means removing the damaged screen and replacing it with a suitable replacement (i.e., a screen that is compatible with your TV model or one that is the same model and has the same part number as your damaged screen).

Screen Replacement Option?
Yes, as indicated above, this is the best and only repair option for your device. This however is not a cheap option as the cost of TV panel replacements may go up to 80% of the cost of the TV in brand new condition. That is assuming you can find the exact part that you need for the replacement (which may be hard for some models). Add to the cost the fees you need to pay if you will have the repair done by professionals (highly recommended for this kind of electronic surgery). It is not recommended that you do this the DIY route if you’re not an electronics expert due to the costs and dangers involved.
One viable course of action is to find a used/pre-owned TV unit (same model) that is being put up for recycling; and which has an intact screen panel and perform a transplant of the screen panel from that TV to your damaged TV. We sometimes see “For Parts” devices being sold on Ebay which may be suitable for this option but do consider that verifying that the screen is in good working order is a challenge in itself. It is advised to perform due diligence when going down this road. Getting professional help may also be a good idea if you choose to do this option.
Buy a New TV?
It will seem that with the above considerations, the only practical decision is to buy a new TV. Indeed this is a very reasonable choice and should be considered seriously.
If you are concerned about and may be hesitant to adding more junk to the landfill, you may look into having your damaged TV recycled. You could contact the manufacturer for guidance on this as they may have provisions in place locally. Third-party recyclers may also be a good option if there are any near your location. You could look for one by performing a Google search of local electronics recyclers in your area.
In conclusion
While the decision between repairing and buying a new TV in this scenario seems an easy one if you consider the economic aspect (i.e., replacing LCD screen panels can be expensive), there are also other considerations that a TV owner may wish to take into account. If you choose to repair by replacing the damaged screen, you will need to make sure you get the correct and compatible parts to fix the TV. It is also advised to enlist the help of a professional TV technician (due to the costs and complexities of the repair process). You should expect to spend an amount similar to the price of a brand new TV, give or take. On the other hand, if you choose to simply buy a new TV, you could reduce the environmental impact (and the guilt) by sending your unit in for recycling. However, this option is dependent on whether there are recyclers near your area but we think it is always worth looking into.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GMICnqRU2s
Display damage change