If your Vizio LED/LCD flat screen is showing the following symptoms:
- Screen displaying no pictures,
- No sound coming out of the speakers,
- HDMI is not functioning properly,
- Problems with the Internet connection,
Then you might have a bad main board as these are common main board symptoms on Vizio TVs. The video below shows how to properly replace the main board with step-by-step instructions. The video creator is none other than ShopJimmy which is also one of our favorite TV repair store where one can buy tools and parts for any TV repair project.
Video Credits: ShopJimmy
The video is pretty concise and clear regarding the steps needed to replace the main board. Just be sure to follow the the instructions carefully.
Troubleshooting Caution
Do note that the symptoms indicated above may have other causes so do be careful in the troubleshooting process. Case in point, if there are no pictures on the screen, you will need to check if it is not a problem with the LED backlights. You will want to perform the “flashlight test” to see if the LCD panel is really creating images but the backlights are just not functioning. This test was performed in repairing a Vizio TV that has sound but no pictures (you may want to check that out). Granted that the TV also has no sound, there’s good likelihood that the issue is not due to faulty LED backlights but it will not hurt to do a quick check as the flashlight test is very easy to do anyway.
Related Post: Fixing the Vizio Black Screen of Death
Furthermore, if you have issues connecting to the Internet, you need to make sure there are no problems with your network first before putting the blame on your Vizio’s main board. You will want to do some checks on your Wi-fi router connectivity first. A similar process was performed as detailed in our post discussing the troubleshooting process if Netflix is not working on a Samsung Smart TV. You will want to try hooking your TV up to the Internet via an ethernet cable just so you can eliminate the possibility that your Wi-fi router might be failing.
As always, if you have any doubt with this repair, please don’t hesitate to call in some professional help.
50″ boxio smart tv won’t turn on but stand by light flashes
48″ vizio tv blinks off and on. Doesn’t do it all the time. Might last 20 minutes. Done reset. If in menu TV doesn’t blink but if I come out of it it starts to blink. TV around 5 or 6 years old.
my vizio tv won’t turn on> i did voltage test and with cable disconnected from power board i have correct voltage but if i hook up main board connection voltages jump all over on my muilti meter. thin king its the main board. thoughts